Beautiful Akwa-Ibom, Efik Names and their Wonderful Meanings


Akwa-Ibom/Efik bride [source: Ibom facts (twitter)]

A Name is a word or words that a particular person, place, animal or thing is known by or identified with. It helps to d hiistinguish an individual from a group of person.
Akwa Ibom state and the entire Efik Kingdom in Cross River state, Nigeria also have their own unique means of identity. Babies born into a family from this part of the country are often named or christened after what they believe in and other insignificant things like objects, places, celebrities and ancestors alike. Parent tend to ascribe eulogy to this things they believe in; hence, the emergence of these names.
Meanwhile, in this article; the concentration is centred only on religious (i.e. Christian) names that people in this region bears as an identity.
The names in Efik, Ibibio and Annang languages with their meanings (translations) in English language are listed below:


Abasiakara (Abasi-akara)
Literal Meaning: “God Reigns”
Translation: God is in charge of the situation.
Gender: Male

Abasiama (Abasi-ama)
Literal Meaning:“It is God that loves him/her”
Translation: No one loves but God does
Gender: Unisex

Abasianyanga (Abasi-aŋyaŋa)
Literal Meaning: “It's God that saves”
Translation: It is only God who can save a person.
Gender: Unisex

Abasifreke (Abasi-ifreke)
Literal Meaning: “God never forget [his people]”
Translation: God will never forget our predicament and He’ll surprise us.
Gender: Unisex

Abasiodiong (Abasi-ɔdiɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “God has blessed”
Translation: It has already been blessed by God hence no man can curse.
Gender: Male

Abasiofiok (Abasi-ɔfiɔk)
Literal Meaning: “God Knows”
Translation: God knows best and it is at His will (either perfect or permissive) that everything happens.
Gender: Unisex

Abasiofon (Abasi-ɔfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “God is Good”
Translation: God is ever faithful even in the worst of times..
Gender: Unisex

Abasiono (Abasi-ɔnɔ)
Literal Meaning: “God giveth”
Translation: It is God who has given us this gift; hence we are grateful.
Gender: Unisex

Akam (Akam)
Literal Meaning: “Prayer"
Translation: This one was gotten through consistent labouring in prayer.
Gender: Unisex

Akanimo (Akan-imɔ)
Literal Meaning: “Greater than Wealth”
Translation: God is greater than any earthly treasures one could ever imagine. Hence, He is the only one to treasure.
Gender: Male

Akaninyene (Akan-iŋyene)
Literal Meaning: “Greater than Riches”
Translation: This gift (baby) is treasured more than earthly riches.
Gender: Unisex

Amenam (Amenam)
Literal Meaning: “You’ve done well [well-done]”
Translation: This is like saying “Daddy Jesus! Thank You very for this special gift to me. I can’t thank you enough.
Gender: Female (often)

Andikan (Andikan)
Literal Meaning: “Victor/Conqueror”
Translation: God has made me victorious despite the oppositions and adversaries. I am a Winner!
Gender: Unisex

Aniedo/Aniedi [Abasi](Aniedi-Abasi)
Literal Meaning: “Who is [God]”
Translation: Who is God or can assume the position of God. Only God has the final say.
Gender: Unisex

Aniefiok (Aniefiɔk)
Literal Meaning: “Who Knows
Translation: Who can foretell or predict what may happen next? Only God knows it all.
Gender: Unisex

Aniekan (Aniekan)
Literal Meaning: “Who is greater than [God]”
Translation: After everything, who can try his or her power with our Living God?
Gender: Male

Aniekeme (Aniekeme)
Literal Meaning: “Who is Able?”
Translation: They didn’t expect it to happen but brought it to come to pass. Hence, they believe only God is able to do everything!
Gender: Unisex

Aniema (Aniema)
Literal Meaning: “ Who Loves”
Translation: Who has a genuine lWhoove so magnanimous as to have given the precious gift (baby)? Only God!
Gender: Unisex

Anwanga (Aŋwaŋa)
Literal Meaning: “It is known to God”
Translation: It is only God that understand and knows why it all happened the way happened. God knows best!
Gender: Unisex

Ayakem (Ayakem)
Literal Meaning: “It will be sufficient”
Translation: This gift will be sufficient unto me
Gender: Unisex


Bokime (Bɔ-kime)
Literal Meaning: “Receive with Patience”
Translation: I receive him or her with great deal of patience and agony.
Gender: Unisex


Daramfon (Dara-mfon)
Literal Meaning: “Celebrate Goodness [of God]”
Translation: I celebrate the Goodness of God in my life for adding this bundle of joy
Gender: Unisex


Edidem (Edidem)
Literal Meaning: “Lord
Translation: Jesus is Lord over every battle. It also means a royal child
Gender: Male

Edidiong (Edidiɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “Blessing
Translation: This is a great blessing from God Almighty
Gender: Unisex

Edifofon (Edifɔfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “It shall be well
Translation: This is a great blessing from God Almighty
Gender: Unisex

Edima (Edima)
Literal Meaning: “Beloved
Translation: This is a very beloved and dearchild.
Gender: Unisex

Edinyanga (Edinyaŋa)
Literal Meaning: “Blessing
Translation: This baby is a great blessing from God Almighty
Gender: Unisex

Ediomo (Ediomo)
Literal Meaning: “Covenant
Translation: This baby is a covenant between the parent and God
Gender: Unisex

Ediye (Ediye)
Literal Meaning: “Beauty
Origin: Efik
Translation: A beautiful child indeed
Gender: Unisex

Eduwem (Eduwem)
Literal Meaning: “Character/Conduct
Translation: Good character and right living is a great necessity.
Gender: Unisex

Efiok (Efiɔk)
Literal Meaning: “Know
Translation: Know God as a person for He is everything.
Gender: Male

EkeAbasi (Eke-Abasi)
Literal Meaning: “God’s own
Translation: This baby is solely dedicated to God and belongs to Him alone.
Gender: Male

Ekikere (Ekikere)
Literal Meaning: “Thought
Translation: The thought of God is different from the thought of men.
Gender: Unisex

Ekom (Ekɔm)
Variants: Ekomobong, EkomAbasi
Literal Meaning: “Thanks
Translation: The parent is giving thanks to God for the gift of the child.
Gender: Unisex

Ekemini (Ekem-ini)
Literal Meaning: “Appointed Time
Translation: It is God’s appointed time for it manifest and here it is. This is referring to the child bearing this name.
Explanation: Oftentimes, it may happen that the baby took long to come or the mother has been barren for several years and all of a sudden when all hope was lost then comes the child.
Gender: Unisex (Usually for Male)

Ekpedeme (Ekpedeme)
Literal Meaning: “If it were to shared
Translation: God gives to anyone without prejudice. He can decide to surprise anyone with a precious thing.
Explanation: The parent in this context is thanking God for giving something beyond what they expected unlike what would have obtainable if a man was the giver of the baby of life. Their position is that “Man is discriminatory in nature but God gives liberally without fear of favour.”
Gender: Male

Emaediong (Ema-ediɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “has been blessed
Variants: Emediong (Emediɔŋ)
Translation: The child has already blessed by God and will be a source of blessing to the family.
Gender: Unisex

Emem (Emem)
Literal Meaning: “Peace
Variants: EmemObong, EmemAbasi
Translation: This baby has brought peace and tranquility to the family.
Explanation: In a family where there is no issue, and then the baby comes to unite the husband and wife. It is also belief that where there is peace, the presence of God is there.
Gender: Unisex (usually For Females)

Eno = Enɔ
Literal Meaning: “God’s Gift
Variants: Enobong, Enoobong, EnoAbasi
Translation: The child is a precious gift from God.
Gender: Unisex

Enomfon (Enɔ-mfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Gift of Grace
Translation: A child given as free gift and by the grace.
Gender: Female

Enwongo (Enwɔŋɔ)
Literal Meaning: “Promise
Translation: The child is a child of Promise from God.
Explanation: Perhaps, God might made a promise that he bless them with a child and after several years of waiting, the promise becomes a reality.
Gender: Unisex

Enyeama (Enyeama)
Literal Meaning: “He Loves
Translation: Here, He refers to God. They mean God is the one who loves to give the child.
Gender: Male

Eti (Eti)
Literal Meaning: “Good/Righteous
Translation: God is a good God. He is faithful to His word.
Gender: Unisex

Etimbuk (Eti-mbuk)
Literal Meaning: “Good News
Translation: This is the Good news of Christ (Gospel).
Gender: Unisex

Etop (Etop)
Literal Meaning: “Message/Report
Variants: Etop-obong, Etop-Abasi
Translation: The child born is a hidden message from God.
Gender: Male


Fenno (Fen-nnɔ)
Literal Meaning: “Forgive Me
Translation: A plea for forgiveness by the parent to God perhaps after doubting Gods’ capabilities to give them a child or for their past deeds.
Gender: Unisex


Iberedem (Iberedem)
Literal Meaning: “Comforter
Translation: A child to expected to turn the fortune of the family around for good.
Gender: Unisex

Iboro [Akam]= (Ibɔrɔ-akam)
Literal Meaning: “Reply/Answers
Translation: The child is perceived to have been born prior to constant plea and prayers offered.
Gender: Unisex

Idara (Idara)
Literal Meaning: “Joy
Translation: A child that brings bundle of joy to both the parent and others.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Females)

Idongesit (Idɔŋesit)
Literal Meaning: “Comfort
Translation: The child was born after the mother (and the father) had lost of having any issue.
Gender: Unisex

Idorenyin (Idorenyiŋ)
Literal Meaning: “Hope
Variant: Idotenyin
Translation: The child is what they’ve been hoping for in a long time.
Gender: Unisex

Ifiok (Ifiɔk)
Literal Meaning: “Wisdom
Translation: The wisdom of God brought about the transformation.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

Ifure (Ifure)
Literal Meaning: “Safety/Tranquility
Translation: The beginning of tranquility and rest of mind.
Gender: Unisex

Iko-Obong (Ikɔ-Ɔbɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “The Word of God
Translation: This is the Good news of Christ (Gospel).
Gender: Unisex

Ikouwem (Ikɔ-uwem)
Literal Meaning: “Word of Life
Translation: This is the Good news of Christ (Gospel).
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

ImaObong (Ima-Ɔbɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “God’s Love
Variant: Imabong, Ima-Abasi
Translation: The love of God has brought about the coming of the child bearing this name.
Gender: Females

Ime (Ime)
Literal Meaning: “Patience
Variants: Imeh, Imebong, Ime-Abasi
Translation: After much patience and perseverance, the child was born.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

Imidara (Imidara)
Literal Meaning: “We have rejoice
Translation: The parent and the family are publicly making known their appreciation and acknowledging God for giving them the baby.
Gender: Unisex

Imoh (Imɔh)
Literal Meaning: “Wealth
Translation: The child is belief to be a huge wealth given by God to the family.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

Inameti (Inameti)
Literal Meaning: “Good Doing
Translation: A child born as a result of a perceived good deed either to God or Mankind.
Gender: Unisex

Inemesit (Inemesit)
Literal Meaning: “Happiness/Sweetness
Variant: Inem
Translation: A gift that brings happiness and gladdens the heart of everyone.
Gender: Unisex

Inibehe (Ini-ibehe)
Literal Meaning: “Time has not elapsed
Translation: The timing of God never elapsed though it may tarry.
Explanation: Basically, this name oftentimes arise when the baby doesn’t show forth after several years of expectations or perhaps when the baby stays longer in the womb beyond the conventional 9-months of birth delivery.
Gender: Male

Inimfon (Ini-mfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Time of Grace
Translation: The time of grace has come especially for the family in which the baby is born into.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Female)

Iniobong (Ini-ɔbɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “God’s Time
Translation: The child came at a time no one expected and hence they credit it to happen at the right timing of God.
Gender: Unisex

Iniso (Ini-iso)
Literal Meaning: “Future
Translation: The name of a child destined to be great in the future.
Gender: Male

Inyene (Inyene)
Literal Meaning: “Riches
Translation: The child is a great asset from God even more than worldly riches.
Gender: Unisex

Itoro (Itoro)
Literal Meaning: “Praise
Translation: This is the Good news of Christ (Gospel).
Gender: Unisex


Kemfon (Ke-mfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Out of Goodness/ By Grace
Translation: It was given out of God’s goodness or by God’s grace.
Gender: Unisex

Kubiat (Ku-biat)
Literal Meaning: “Don’t Condemn [God]”
Translation: The parent name the child so as to encourage others not to condemn God for whatever ordeal or ugly situation they might have passed through in life.
Gender: Unisex

Kufre (Ku-fre)
Literal Meaning: “Don’t Forget [God]
Variants: KufreObong, KufreAbasi
Translation: A charge never to forget God in anytime in marital or other endeavour in life.
Gender: Male

Kuyik (Ku-yik)
Literal Meaning: “Don’t Doubt [God]
Variants: KuyikObong, KuyikAbasi
Translation: With the coming of the baby, the family have seen reasons not to doubt God but to keep faith in Him.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)


Mbetobong (Mbet-Ɔbɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “I wait upon God”
Variants: Mbet, MbetAbasi
Translation: Our hope rest in you oh Lord. The child’s parent waited upon the Lord and were not ashamed.
Gender: Unisex

Mbom (Mbɔm)
Literal Meaning: “Mercy
Translation: The mercy of the Lord intervened and brought victory to them through the birth of the child.
Gender: Unisex

Mbuotidem (Mbuɔt-idem)
Literal Meaning: “Faith
Translation: I have faith in God and it paid off.
Gender: Unisex

Mfon (Mfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Goodness/Grace
Translation: The grace of God has been sufficient to us through this childbirth.
Gender: Unisex

Mfoniso (Mfɔniso)
Literal Meaning: “Good Luck/Fortune
Translation: The child that brings good luck in different dimension to the family.
Gender: Unisex

Mfonmma (Mfɔn-mma)
Literal Meaning: “Perfect
Translation: God is being ascribed here as the only “Perfect Being” for giving them heart desire at the right time.
Explanation: This name is used when the child comes at the right or the right gender as being expected by parent and family members.
Gender: Unisex

Mfreke (Mfreke)
Literal Meaning: “I’ve not Forgotten [God]”
Variants: MfrekeAbasi, MfrekeObong
Translation: They still have not given up or forgotten their Maker.
Explanation: Perhaps the parents have given up on God to bless them with a baby all of sudden the baby is conceive and born successfully. The parent uses the opportunity to reaffirm their stand and trust in God.
Gender: Unisex

Mkpouto (Mkpɔ-uto)
Literal Meaning: “Precious
Translation: The child bearing this name is highly treasured and important in the family.
Gender: Unisex

Mkpoikana/Mkpoikanke (Mkpɔ-ikana/Mkpɔ-ikanke)
Literal Meaning: “Nothing Conquers [God]
Translation: The child bears the sequel to the victory recorded during childbirth despite various spiritual attacks against the mother, family or even the baby’s life.
Gender: Unisex

Mmedara (Mme-dara)
Literal Meaning: “I celebrate [God]
Translation: The family celebrate God for the gift of the child.
Gender: Unisex

Mmenyene (Mme-nyene)
Literal Meaning: “I have [God]
Translation: There child born further reaffirm the parent that there is still God.
Gender: Unisex

Mokutmfon (Mokut-mfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “I’ve seen the Goodness of God
Translation: Out of an appreciative heart, the name is coined to express their feeling over the precious gift God gave them.
Gender: Unisex


Ndifreke (Ndi-freke)
Literal Meaning: “I won’t forget [God]
Translation: This is coming straight from the heart that since God has been able to this; they will never forget Him.
Gender: Unisex

Nkereuwem (Nkere-uwem)
Literal Meaning: “I bear/answer Life
Translation: Perhaps the child has been dead (before, during or after childbirth; this name is like a reassurance that the said child will not die but live to his rightful age.
Gender: Male

NseAbasi (Nse-Abasi)
Literal Meaning: “I Look [unto God]”
Variant: Nseobong
Translation: During the childbirth, all hope was fixed on God to perform His miracle as usual and He did prove himself. Hence, the name.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Female)

Nsidibe (Nsidibe)
Literal Meaning: “What is hidden? [From God]”
Translation: The secret desire and prayer which was not made known to men was provided by God.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Female)

Nsikak (Nsi-kak)
Literal Meaning: “What is too burdensome [to God]?”
Translation: Obviously, the challenges of the family which seem somewhat impossible was made quite possible and easier by God.
Gender: Unisex

Nsikan (Nsi-kan)
Literal Meaning: “What is greater [than God]?
Variants: Nsikanobong, NsikakAbasi
Translation: The parent believes wholly that nothing is greater than God if the baby bearing the name can be conceived and put to bed successfully.
Gender: Unisex

Nsisong (Nsi-sɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “What is too difficult for God?
Translation: This is similar to Nsikan where the parent believes God can do anything if the baby in question can make it against all odds.
Gender: Unisex

Nsongurua (Nsɔŋ-urua)
Literal Meaning: “Costly/Expensive
Translation: This child is very dear to the family and is considered a precious gem.
Gender: Unisex

NtietAbasi (NtietAbasi)
Literal Meaning: “I eulogize God
Translation: God is eulogized for the goodness and faithfulness towards the successfully delivery of the child.
Gender: Unisex

Nyaknno (Nyak-nnɔ)
Literal Meaning: “I surrender to God
Translation: After much failed attemptsat getting what they wanted, they finally surrender to God who still gave them a joy despite their misdeeds.
Gender: Unisex


Ofofon (Ɔfɔfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Beatitude/Blessedness
Translation: The baby is named after the Beatitudes as contained in the Bible. It involves expected to exhibited by genuine Christians.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Female)

Okimmong (Okimmɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “Mine
Origin: Efik
Translation: The baby is alluded to have belong to God.
Gender: Unisex

Oku (Oku)
Literal Meaning: “Priest
Translation: The child is foreseen to become a servant of God in life.
Gender: Male

OtoAbasi (Oto-Abasi)
Literal Meaning: “It’s from God
Translation: The child here is believed to have directly come from God to the family.
Gender: Unisex

Owoidighe (Owo-idighe)
Literal Meaning: “Man is not God
Translation: Many negative words has been proclaimedby people concerning the child but yet God’s will still prevail.
Gender: Unisex


Sifon (Sifɔn)
Literal Meaning: “What Pleases [God]”
Variants: SifonAbasi, SifonObong
Translation: It pleases God to visit the family in such a way that amazes everyone.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)


Timi (Ti-mi)
Literal Meaning: “Remember Me
Translation: God is exalted in the life of the baby for remembering the family for Good.
Gender: Unisex

Toiyo (Toiyo)
Literal Meaning: “Remember
Translation: This is a plea by the parent or family asking God to remember the family for good using the child as a point of contact.
Origin: Ibibio
Gender: Unisex


Ubiere (Ubiere)
Literal Meaning: “Decision/Determination
Translation: The final decision of God stood and the miracle was made visible.
Gender: Male

Uboho (Ubɔhɔ)
Literal Meaning: “Freedom/Liberty
Translation: He or she as an agent of freedom given liberally from God.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

Ubong (Ubɔŋ)
Literal Meaning: “Glory [of God]
Translation: The glory of God has descended through the birth of the child.
Gender: Unisex

Udeme (Udeme)
Literal Meaning: “Portion/Inheritance/Share
Translation: The Child is perceived to be an inheritance or portion from God to the parent as well as the family.
Gender: Male

Uduak (Uduak)
Literal Meaning: “The Will [of God]
Translation: It could only have been possible except by the will of the Almighty God. In other words, contrary to speculations, God’s will prevailed over anything.
Gender: Unisex

Ufok (Ufɔk)
Literal Meaning: “House [of God]
Translation: The house of God here signifies God’s presence been sufficient to see to the successful delivery of the baby.
Gender: Unisex

Ukara (Ukara)
Literal Meaning: “Reign/Government
Translation: God showed Himself as the King who reigns over all especially in the life of the child.
Gender: Male

Ukeme (Ukeme)
Literal Meaning: “God’s Ability
Variants: Ukemeobong, UkemeAbasi
Translation: The strength of God prevailed mightily and shamed all critics and adversaries.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)

Uko (Uko)
Literal Meaning: “Courage/Confidence
Variants: UkoAbasi, Uko-Obong
Translation: The child showed up at a very difficult time and hence he’s considered to be a brave and courageous person that will do exploits in life.
Gender: Male

Ukpono (Ukpono)
Literal Meaning: “Honour/Respect
Translation: God has decided to honour the family with a honourable child.
Gender: Unisex

Ukpuho (Ukpuhɔ)
Literal Meaning: “Change
Translation: Prior to the coming of this baby, there has been relative changes noticeable to virtually everyone.
Gender: Unisex

Unwana (Uŋwana)
Literal Meaning: “Bright
Variants: UnwanaAbasi, Unwanaobong
Translation: The long awaited ‘Light’ that will turn around the fortune of the family has arrived.
Gender: Unisex

Unyime (Unyime)
Literal Meaning: “Agreement
Translation: It is the sole agreement of God that the baby in question should come to grace this world. Not man’s doing.
Gender: Unisex

Usen (Usen)
Literal Meaning: “Day
Variants: Usenobong, UsenAbasi, Usen-mfon
Translation: Perhaps the child was born on the Lord’s day and hence the emergence of the name.
Gender: Male

Usung (Usuŋ)
Literal Meaning: “The Way
Translation: The child is perceived to be the way out by God for the way out for the family to make it in life
Gender: Unisex

Utenge (Uteŋe)
Literal Meaning: “Dignity/Integrity
Translation: For been so faithful and keeping to His Word; God is highly reverenced here.
Gender: Unisex

Utibe (Utibe)
Literal Meaning: “Wonders
Translation: When God does something in a wonderful way that even the parent could not comprehend that such a thing can be possible, this kind of names comes to bear.
Gender: Unisex

Utip (Utip)
Literal Meaning: “Reward
Variants: Utipobong, UtipAbasi
Translation: The parent might have believed their service to God and humanity would have brought them the gift of the baby child.
Gender: Unisex

Utitofon (Utit-ɔfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “The End is Better-of
Variant: Utifofonidara(The end is better-off celebrated)
Translation: In a case, where such a child has been regarded as an ill-luck to the family or won’t make it beyond delivery stage and on the long runs it turns out on a positive note.
Gender: Unisex

Uwakmfon (Uwakmfɔn)
Literal Meaning: “Numerous Goodness
Translation: This is more like extolling the goodness of God.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Female)

Uwem (Uwem)
Literal Meaning: “Life
Translation: For a child who may regarded as sickler or an epileptic; this name suit them. Oftentimes, they these children later become healthier physically and otherwise as against the initial presumption.
Gender: Unisex

Image of Akwa Ibom Bride (src: Ibom facts - twitter)
Akwa-Ibom/Efik bride [source: Ibom facts (twitter)]

Literal Meaning: “Voice [of God]
Translation: It is simply reaffirming the pronouncement of God upon such as a child and it has come to pass.
Explanation: Sometimes, this name is usually given to a child perceive to become a prophet or seer or better a mouth-piece in God’s vineyard.
Gender: Unisex (Mostly for Male)
